Friday, November 24, 2006
Memes are irresistable.

1. Full name: Zafirah Bte Mohd Zein

2. Name backwards: Niez Dhom Etb Harifaz (cool! but the harifaz spoils it)

3. Were you named after someone?: nope.

4. Meaning of name: i know it somewhere at the back of my head, really.

5. Nickname: they call me zaff.

6. Screen name: 'zaff

7. D.O.B: 31 may 1992

8. Place of birth: Mount Elizabeth's

9. Nationality: singaporean.

10. Current location: computer room.

11. Star sign: gemini

12. Religion: islam.

13. Height: I'm not sure exactly, but I'm growing and I'm tall(:

14. Weight: I've got no weighing scale.

15. Shoe size: 5

16. Hair color: dark brown.

17. Eye color: same.

18. Who do you look like: go to this post about a month ago where i posted me&batchmates' myheritage results.

19. Innie or outtie: outtie which is kinda sad. i learnt it cos i read in a sweet valley book that models can't have outtie belly buttons cos they're ugly. not that i wanna be a model or anything. (x oh my outtie belly got burned when i was young.

20. Lefty or righty: righty.

21. Gay, straight, bi or others: hmm, STRAIGHT!

22. Best friends: siska, disco mamas, malaybatchies(:

23. Best friends you trust most: this is difficult.

24. Favourite pals: angklung batchmates&malay batchmates(:

25. Best friend of opposite sex:

26. Best buddies: pals? buddies?friends? WHATS THE DIFFERENCE?

27. Boyfriend or girlfriend: nada. batchmates&I play girlfriend boyfriend in school does that count?

28. Crush: not telling.(:

29. Parents: can't live without them.

30. Worst Enemy: myself. but some people do make me :\

31. Favourite online guy: the number of guys in my contact list can be counted off with ONE HAND. so, nonono.

32. Favourite online girl: diyyy! we rock msn.

33. Craziest friend: got a lot! disco mamas, wonders, BATCHMATES. you never know crazy till you meet my batchmates((:

34. Advice friend: my friends all give advice(: they're nice. but tasneem is the one who i sms frantically to in every situation and that girl gives the greatest advice you can get.

35. Loudest friend: AIDA!<3>

36. Person you cry with: my dolls.

37. Any sisters: nope.

38. Any brothers: nope. gawd, just rub it in will you.

39. Any pets: i had goldfish when i was 6. i had two rabbits in p4.): i miss them.

40. Any disease: medically, no.

41. Pager: nah/

42. Personal phone line: i wish!

43. Cell phone: i have.

44. Lava lamp: i always wanted one when chucky got one in rugrats.

45. Pool or hot tub: not my own pool. the condo's.

46. A car: will you get me one?

47. Your personality: i do weird things.

48. Driving: my parents crazy.

49. Room: boring. i need a radio in there!

50. What's missing: a fun person my age.

51. School: raffles.

52. Bed: is where i dream and pretend.

53. Relationship with parents: good. it's wrong to take them for granted.

54. Believe in yourself: sometimes.

55. Believe in love at first sight: it could happen.

56. Good listener: you tell me

57. Get along well with parents: not all the time

58. Save email convos: no

59. Pray: yes

60. Believe in reincarnation: noway hozay

61. Make fun of people: i admit i do. but later i feel really bad. okay la some situations.

62. Like to talk on the phone: used to every night in pri sch with siti and munya. now i just call munya to talk about something and we end up talking for half an hour or longer about other stuff till our palms get sweaty and the phone slips.

63. Want to get married: yes please!

64. Like to drive: i like to drive those big mechanical cars they put outside the hawker centre for children. I bet i'm just as good on a real car. :D ah prasan.

65. Motion Sickness: on a plane yes.

66. Eat stem of broccoli: you'd be lucky if i even touched my veggies. But my parents are on this get-her-to-eat-veggies mode and ayah made broccoli with lots of black pepper and butter. I ATE TWO.
67. Eat chicken with fork?: i get impatient.

68. Dream in colour: totally! with colour and sound system baby!

69. Type with your fingers on home role: huh

70. Sleep with stuff toys: mhmm, they keep me away from the boogieman.

71. Next to you: wall.

72. On the walls of your room: you should come over and see for yourself. ibu loooves decorating.

73. On your mousepad?: the mouse?

74. Dream car: umm i'd like 3 cars. I want Herbie and...the car that can drive with the top down and Open Zafira.

75. Dream date: with a nice(&hot) guy who's gonna cook the dinner. i'll light the candles honey!

76. Dream honeymoon spot: there's plenty of nice places in the world and plenty of time till i get married.

77. Dream husband or wife: if you can make me laugh and cook like jamie oliver and you've got a listening ear, well send the invites mister cause we're getting married!

78. Bedtime: depends.

79. Under your bed: a box of sweet valley books and cross-stitch.

80. Single most important question: really?

81. Bad time of the day: when you get out of bed feeling like your eyes are covered with cockles like mr krabbs or something. or that guy in pirates of the caribbean who was sleeping in the....alah that place.

82. Your worst fear: i've got a lot.

83. The weather is: cloudy, oh wait it's raining.

84. Time: 3.15 p.m

85. Date: 25th nov

86. Best trick did on someone: recently, diy and i punk'd azira! AND SHE FELL FOR IT. :D

87. Theme song: i wish i knew. maybe the song's not out yet.

88. Hardest thing about growing up: knowing you're never going to be a kid again.

89. Funniest experience: currently, our prison break from STC! i agree with syah on that one! but i've got plenty of funny experiences with the people around me.

90. Scariest experience: all i can think of now is when i saw that guy fly off his motor and just lie there.

91. Silliest thing you have ever said: ask my friends! i don't keep record of what i sayyy

92. Most desperate and funniest thing I have done to get the opposite sex: you don't wanna know! hehe.

93. Scariest thing while you are with your friends: thinking we're gonna get sent to jail for escaping angklung?

94. Worst feeling: Guilt.):

95. Best feeling in the world: to feel loved (: aww i agree with syah on this too.

Name 3 schools you went: BLK 216 PAP Kindergarten, Pasir Ris Pri, Raffles.

Name 3 things in your purse/wallet: kit kat wrapper, movie stubs, paper hands disco mamas stole from the board in pri sch.

Name 3 things you always do when you are stressed: cry, get moody, throw my pillow

Name 3 fav songs right now: i like a lot of songs.

Name 3 favourite persons in life: how can there be only three? three groups maybe. family, disco mamas, malay batchmates

Name 3 places you go on a daily basis: kitchen, toilet, here.

Name 3 things you like to do: watch tv, sleep, eat. i don't like the fact i go on msn almost everyday.

Name 3 people of the opposite sex that you have held hands with: dad, cousins, nephews (and that guy in kindergarten who's my partner and vomits on a daily basis THEN NEVER WASH HANDS. my mom had to srcub my whole body everyday after kindergarten)

Name 3 favourite fruits: apples, grapes, dragonfruit

Name 3 career choices: author, that person on travel and living( aid worker included), archaeologist

Name 3 goals in 2006: 2006 is almost over why do you wanna know?

Name 3 things that scare you: the last day, death and rollercoasters

Name 3 of your essential needs: air, food&water.

Name 3 things you are wearing right now: shirt, shorts, undergarments DUH

Name 3 unforgettable events still in your mind: i remember stuff from way back but if i put them here, it'd be way too long. But i still remember the whole accident clearly.

Name 3 things essential in relationship: love, humour, trust (: syah hit the nail right on the head.

Name 3 things you want to do before you leave this world: go all over the world with a bunch of friends and changing it as we go along, marry, have kids.

Name 3 wines: muslim/

Lied to the person you love most: yeah.

Bluff a person you don't like/love him when you do?: yup!haha.

Been trapped in a lift: yes, for a teensy while.

Violated the law: yeahyeah. chewing gum as syah says.

Been in jail?: ive been to the jail-cum-musuem in perth. not for doing anything bad, but it'd be cool to experience it.

Trapped in a room with only an opposite sex around?: not trapped lah.

Loved someone with your whole heart?: what do you mean?

Name 3 people to do this quiz: /


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