Wednesday, September 05, 2007
here comes september;
I shall blog about Selangor(which was great!) when I have the time to cause I will wanna post tons of pics and pics are with the rest and there's just simply no time now because we've all got so many things to do.
Oh my specs broke on the bus btw): They can be fixed so no new specs pour moi.
Anyway, I realised from the many many things that have happened that I shouldnt judge a person by what other people say because they tend to be exaggerated and well, untrue. I've been quite influenced by what people say throughout these years and I think I prefer using my own head from now on and getting to know the person well enough first before making any assumptions since I have no right to in the first place. There've been quite a number of times where I've believed that certain people were a certain way or possessed a certain bad characteristic but end up liking the person in the end after getting to know him/her. And I don't bitch much, really, but I do listen to a lot of gossip and bad stuff that I know I shouldnt be listening to. Bitching about a person you don't really know is really your loss actually, because it could cost you a friend. And friends don't come easily.
Okay, hmm I'm now thinking I should just work hard till week 4 then it will all be over and no more stress no more unhappiness. But the time I have is way wayy to short, just look at the bloody holidays. I want to live in a kampung because times passes so slowly there compared to here, which means you get to appreciate every moment longer and bask in its happiness. While here, happy moments come and go in such a short period of time. Sigh. I've got a lot of work to do but my brain is stubbornly not working. I'm not making any attempt to start doing anything productive nor has my whole body understood that I've got exams and pts to work for and if I don't do well in them, I might as well just quit right now.
Yesterday I had tuition, as a way to welcome me back to singapore. And, my tuition teacher asked me, after many attempts to revive my memory of redox reactions, if I ever went to school.
I think that means something.


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